
Max 8 Drinkers

Essayez les abreuvoirs Max8 de Ziggity dans votre système de cage et constatez la différence!!!

Dry pits and improved performance of your commercial layers are as simple as installing Ziggity Max8 drinkers on your existing cage watering system. A completely new drinker, the Max8 was designed exclusively for layers. It delivers the right amount of water layers need without oversupply. Designed from the inside out specifically for the way layers drink, Max8 drinkers share few parts with other broiler drinkers. For example, we build the drinker with a heavier shut-off ball. Cages vibrate due to bird movement, and the heavier ball is less likely to rattle off the seat, causing seepage. This and other exclusive Max8 features result in drier pits which prevent harmful ammonia releases that could hurt egg production, and reduces costly insect and rodent problems.

You can enjoy the benefits of Max8 drinkers without installing an entire new watering system. Simply retrofit your Ziggity or non-Ziggity cage system with our Twin Lock or Aktive Max8 drinkers. We believe so strongly in the Max8 that we’ll send you free sample drinkers to test in your cage system against your present drinkers.
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