
Bird equipment

Cord, Lift
Cord, Lift
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Roll Formed Hanger Wire
Roll Formed Hanger Wire
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3.30in Feed Tube Kit
3.30in Feed Tube Kit
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MODEL ATF(TM) PLUS Drop Tube Assembly
MODEL ATF(TM) PLUS Drop Tube Assembly
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6.0in Feed Tube Kit
6.0in Feed Tube Kit
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1.062in X 2 1/2in X 1/8in FRIC Washer
1.062in X 2 1/2in X 1/8in FRIC Washer
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Hanger T Back Leg
Hanger T Back Leg
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Pilot Hole #78
Pilot Hole #78
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10ft Roll Form Tube With 4 Holes and 4 E-Z Start(R) Holes
10ft Roll Form Tube With 4 Holes and 4 E-Z Start(R) Holes
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1/4in / 6.35mm MCT x 1/8in / 3.18mm MPT Brass Elbow
1/4in / 6.35mm MCT x 1/8in / 3.18mm MPT Brass Elbow
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# 2500 Plastic Pulley 3 1/2''
# 2500 Plastic Pulley 3 1/2''
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Carriage Bolt(5) 1/4-20 X 5/8 C/Z
Carriage Bolt(5) 1/4-20 X 5/8 C/Z
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Jet Nozzle Threaded
Jet Nozzle Threaded
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Combustion chamber 31M
Combustion chamber 31M
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#78 One Piece Brass Gas Orifice
#78 One Piece Brass Gas Orifice
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3/4in / 19.05mm Square Pilot Body Finished
3/4in / 19.05mm Square Pilot Body Finished
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#73 One Piece Brass Gas Orifice
#73 One Piece Brass Gas Orifice
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Nylon Nut 1/4-20
Nylon Nut 1/4-20
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Regulated Flow Control Pin .091
Regulated Flow Control Pin .091
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9W LED Light for Control Unit 230V
9W LED Light for Control Unit 230V
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Lock gate model G
Lock gate model G
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Galvanized Reduce STD HEX 3/8 M x 1/8 FPT
Galvanized Reduce STD HEX 3/8 M x 1/8 FPT
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Single switch replacement
Single switch replacement
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Plug flow
Plug flow
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Switch replacement sensor
Switch replacement sensor
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Load cell 100kg
Load cell 100kg
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Drive pipe 8 '
Drive pipe 8 '
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Spring washer
Spring washer
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# 73 drill with handle
# 73 drill with handle
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indicator light
indicator light
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Toggle switch
Toggle switch
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Screw anchor cw 39372 ALLEN
Screw anchor cw 39372 ALLEN
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Nipple galvanised 1/8 3-1/2
Nipple galvanised 1/8 3-1/2
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Toggle switch
Toggle switch
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Rivet 3/16'' X 1'' RH
Rivet 3/16'' X 1'' RH
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Shoulder bolt
Shoulder bolt
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LED 9W Light for control unit light kit
LED 9W Light for control unit light kit
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Washer, 5/16
Washer, 5/16
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Spring .62in x 11in C/Z
Spring .62in x 11in C/Z
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Handle for lid bin
Handle for lid bin
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Floor (Gray) Nipple Saddle
Floor (Gray) Nipple Saddle
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Hex Washer Head Screw 10-24 X .5/8in C/Z
Hex Washer Head Screw 10-24 X .5/8in C/Z
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Rubber Grommet
Rubber Grommet
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Washer, 1.750 X 2.500 X .075 C/Z For winch
Washer, 1.750 X 2.500 X .075 C/Z For winch
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Retainer Ring
Retainer Ring
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Hex Head Bolt(5) 1/4-20 X 1 1/4 C/Z
Hex Head Bolt(5) 1/4-20 X 1 1/4 C/Z
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Side Plate
Side Plate
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Drop Kit Hardware Package
Drop Kit Hardware Package
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1/2in Expanding Bushing
1/2in Expanding Bushing
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Washer, .518 X .875 X .048 C/Z
Washer, .518 X .875 X .048 C/Z
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Washer, .376 X .875 X .079 C/Z
Washer, .376 X .875 X .079 C/Z
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Weatherseal Washer 5/16in
Weatherseal Washer 5/16in
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SPDT Relay 220V for control 40508
SPDT Relay 220V for control 40508
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Poultry Trainer Parts Package
Poultry Trainer Parts Package
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Small Hole PVC Saddle
Small Hole PVC Saddle
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Stainless Steel Hex Lock Nut 5/16-18
Stainless Steel Hex Lock Nut 5/16-18
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5.50 Tube Clamp
5.50 Tube Clamp
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Clamp Spacer
Clamp Spacer
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